
did you know?

do you recognize the blonde dancing with beyonce?

i was on hulu this morning and watched this.
this is when i had to see for myself. i totally thought she was joking about teaching the cast of glee the 
single ladies dance. nope...she was telling the truth! WOW. the single ladies episode was my favorite 
episode until this weeks gaga episode. now they are tied.
this lady is not only hilarious but talented! her one liners are always cracking me up!!!
thats probably why she is one of my top 3 favorites on glee. kurt and sue are my other favorites. 
but sometimes they change:)
who are your 3 favorite characters on glee?
what's your favorite episode so far?

works everytime

 in movies.

Ladies, has anyone ever done this for you?

Kelly totally posted this but the last song is special to me bc at our bachlor/bachlorette party Jacob and i sang/shouted at the top of lungs while we danced to this fun song in the middle of a bar with all our closest friends joining in. "now thats a cool feeling."
and then kelly dedicated that song to us at our wedding! oh snap!