Can't wait to cut a rug this weekend! #nunnhousehold #lisenberoadtrip #atlbound #travelingtrav #travismarriesclaire @cmindie80

Decisions decisions.... #winelist #wineinmybelly @cmindie80 birthday dinner #travismarriesclaire @c2c_central #coasttocoastchallenge #knits

Omg these two.... #travelingtrav #bestfriendsdoingbestfriendthings #lisenberoadtrip #hotlanta #atlbound #travismarriesclaire

The grooms list. #todolist #weddingweek #travismarriesclaire #diychalkboard #chalkboardwall #lisenberoadtrip

On a deadline. #bestfriendsdoingbestfriendthings #lisenberoadtrip #doingmanthings #travismarriesclaire #1960chevyapache

Giddy up!

Oh I will #fattire #enjoytheride #travismarriesclaire #lisenberoadtrip

Watching bridesmaids with #sistersister #bachlorettenight @cmindie80 @eforeman05

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! Thankful for all the colors surrounding me! #lisenberoadtrip #hotlanta #travismarriesclaire #itsreallyfallhere

How I'm spending my #thanksgiving #gobblegobblegobble #weddingweek #diystamp #travismarriesclaire @cmindie80 @emmasteak

1. Obsessed with Travis and Claire's rug in their bathroom.
2. Picking a new wine always takes me forever (Sun In My Belly for Claire's Birthday)
3. Groom and his Best Man. I imagine this is how they were at 3 years of age too.
4. Travis is a very detailed person, so is his bride.
5. The boys working hard trying to get the truck finished for the big day.
6. one can never have too many socks. I got these on my last Marfa road trip at a gas station.
7. The weather in Atlanta was perfect, I am so jealous that they have 4 seasons.
8. For Bachlorette night we watched Bridesmaids and grubbed out, i couldn't resist taking this photo of Claire and Emily snuggling. Sweetest sisters ever!
9. I couldn't stop playing in the leaves, it was like I was 5 again!
10. Thanksgiving Morning was spent doing projects for the big day! #TRAVISMARRIESCLAIRE

More on Marfa, and Atlanta coming soon...

We are so far behind with getting ready for the Blogger Party Saturday (10 tickets left) and Stash Co's Open house this weekend!

Instagram: LisenbeSquared