people need to write more love letters

i love making handmade birthday cards for all the people i love. my main love language is lil messages either around the house, postcards in the mail, refridgerator/bathroom notes, hidden notes under your pillow... you get the idea. jacobs love notes made me fall in love with him when we were dating. i would come home from a weekend trip or work to have a trail of notes all the way from the back door to my room:) i never throw away a card, postcard, or love note from anyone!  

so i decided i needed to spread the love and send more postcards out since i always receive them, its only fair. plus, it feels super good to have a surprise in your mailbox right?

i used to send out postcards to my new clients at the sunchild and i think it's time to get back to that, now they will be handmade with love and vintage fabric!

oh and this would also be a super cute way to send out your christmas/holiday cards this year. i would love to see some in my mailbox...hint hint:)

now that im looking at these photos i think i need to add some stitching to these babies!

enjoy the song of the day. i figured it was appropriate for this rainy day blog. 
