





It's all about the boots... For my birthday (June 29), a bunch of my friends and family pitched in and order a pair of Cobra Rock Boots for my little flat feet. For those of you who don't know about CRBC, it is a workshop/store in Marfa, Texas owed and operated by my pals Logan and Colt. These two badasses (read more about them here) have designed and built the perfect boot that have permanently become an extension of my leg since receiving them in November. To say I am in love with these vintage-style oil tanned beauties is an understatement. The way they hug my feet, the sound they make when meeting the ground, the look from every angle... absolute perfection. There's a slight heel, but I swear they make me 10 inches taller.

To Logan + Colt // thank you so much for making these beauties. I love following your adventures and can't wait to see what y'all design next.

To Friends + Fam // Thank you mucho mucho for getting together and giving me such an amazing gift.