YOUNG LOVE MAD STYLE /// Reuben + Haley

Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno / Young Love Mad Style

Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno / Young Love Mad Style

Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno / Young Love Mad Style

Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno / Young Love Mad Style

Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno / Young Love Mad Style

Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno / Young Love Mad Style

Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno / Young Love Mad Style
Photos by Haley Sheffield
Reuben + Hayley Bidez / (previously in Atlanta, GA) Currently living in Nashville, TN

R / performing singer songwriter 
H / makeup artist in the editorial & film world. we are living + doing our dream jobs! 

Favorite thing to do together
We love to write songs together and traveling to new cities! We have a huge heart for exploring + creating from that overflow of experience!

Craziest thing you two have done together
We are not the craziest but are are known to jump in the car to drive. We also LOVE dancing just about anywhere, so that may look crazy to everyone else but us! 

How did y'all meet
Reu was in a band in college and the keyboard player went to high school with Hayley. Reu tried to date Hayley at first but she was not into dating since she was a freshman in college... it wasn't until three years later until Hayley FINALLY let Reu take her out. Three years after that we got married. And now we just had our 3 year wedding anniversary! Just about 9 years of friendship and 6 years of dating! 

Favorite thing about your significant other
Reuben loves Hayley's butt, her free spirit and big hair. Hayley loves that Reuben is always joking. He uses his sense of humor to get everyone around him to have a good time and his singing voice doesn't hurt either. 

Favorite place to shop for clothes
H / Free People, Made Well, Rag O Rama, American Threads, anything Jeffery Campbell. 
R / Zara, Goorrin Brothers, Nisolo, Ralph Lauren 

What music have you been digging lately
H / I have been listening to a lot of Arctic Monkeys and Augustana. 
R / Jeff Buckley, Fleetwood Mac, HIAM. 

Guilty Pleasure
H / TACOS. ALL I WANT IS TACOS. I'm also addicted to tattoo art. 
R / Laying around in my sweat pants

Tell us fact we don't know about you two
H / I use to be in a steel drum band for a few years. I feel like that is a good unknown fact that is funny and serious.
R / I have a habit of calling all dogs, "pooters". Every time I talk to my dog or see another dog, I refer to them as pooters... and now Hayley does it too! 

Keep up with these cuties
Hayley: @hayleybidez   ||   Reuben: @reubenbidez