


I have listened to my friend Mike talk about this tent backpack thing for over a year now but I never really fully understood or grasped the concept until a few months ago. The thing that really drew me to this project was the heart behind it. What impressed me was the passion, dedication and follow through. I mean we all dream big right? We all talk about the big things we want to do, well my friends actually did it. They created Tenativ and its amazing.

While we were in Costa Rica last month our friend Tim of  LoveWell Films came down to shoot a video of our trip and set up camp in one of these bad boys. Everyone that passed by was super intrigued. This is just another reason I love this project, it gets strangers talking together and sharing life stories.

Tenativ exists to create products that provide shelter, protection, and access for humanity. Read more and meet the men behind this project HERE and find out how you can be a part of something huge.

Click here to check out their campaign and give support.