Our friend Natalie from Top knot Goods sent this shirt to me and it couldn't be any more perfect. I wear it all the time. I am really picky about T-shirt material, and this one is super soft and flattering. It's a new year and I keep saying this over and over "NO REST FOR THE RAD!!!" True Story!!!


Hahaha! Or payment for #cancun sins. @washingtongym #workingonmyfitness #ineedanotherchallenge 
I died laughing when I walked into the gym to find this written on the mirror. Thank God I missed Summerfest this year because I didn't have to do this extra workout. Safe? Not quite. Today's workout was a beast. I hated it but I loved it equally. I told my trainers Jess and Hahn, that I needed a new Fitness Challenge so they are going to make one up for me.

 Today's Washington Gym Workout- Lower Body/ Cardio

 Warm Up- Outside!  (87 degrees / 66 % Humidity)
- Side lateral lunges/ butt kicks back (4 x)
- 20 sprints

Workout (5 rounds)
10 Gobblet squats (3seconds down/1 second up)
30 Plate elevated jump lunges
15 Ring hamstring curls

Run to Memorial and roll out on foam roller.

Goal: Drink a gallon of H2O everyday. Why is this so hard for me?!

Did any of you make it to FPSF (Free Press Summer Fest) this year? I hear Mackelmore was AMAZING! The only reason we missed it was because we went to Mexico.

WORKING ON MY FITNESS /// AFTER (Challenge Completed)


My 30 day BCI challenge ended yesterday (April 1st) I was measured Saturday.
I was a little bummed because I wanted to get down to 14% Body fat but this just gives me more push to work hard and still meet my goal. I'm still proud of myself for cutting my body fat in half since November. 
Other than the numbers, I FEEL GREAT! So now that the challenge is over what's next?
I'm going to keep going. Yesterday I had a few celebratory drinks and some junk food at my sisters new place but I don't see myself going back to drinking on the regular. I think I will save it for special occasions.
As for sticking with the eating plan, Yes! I will continue with it because I feel good, I have more energy, my stomach never hurts, I am liking the changes in my body, and I still have 2 treat meals a week. It seemed really hard at first but now it's just my routine.

Some of you asked if Washington Gym is a Crossfit gym and the answer is No.
I love the workouts, the trainers, and the people. Never been happier with working out. 


Instagram @BrandiLisenbe
Vine @Brandi Lisenbe