
coconut records video contest.

i love coconut records music.
 when i heard there was a music video contest i called my friend micah of serial box studios to see if he wanted to help with it. PROJECT! i love projects. he called back excited and brought our friends trey and ryan along for the fun. i told him to write down three songs he liked and i would do the same to decide on the perfect song. we both had the same song for our first choice and kinda told each other what we envisioned. so there you go. that was easy. we all wanted it to look like an old video (think wonder years). there was only 3 things i specified
1. campfire sesh
2. my uncle doing a handstand on a skateboard and us just hanging out skating.
3. and a lil shot of the barber shop that was in the movie rushmore. (by the way the owner of that barber shop was so rad. he even showed me on original board that he found)
the rest of the ideas came easy and it was awesome cause we all just fed off of eachother.

so i called my family up and asked them to come over for a grill out sesh and they were in. all i had to do was a lil decorating like.... made a teepee with random sheets and scraps that i had, used huge  stencils for the song title,  put up an old christmas tree that was lying in the back yard, hung knitted garland, played instruments, hung up lights and wore feathers. we just had the cameras rolling while we sang, danced, hung out, ate yummy grilled food. best night in a long time.
tee pee inspiration from rachels blog over at smile and wave. her's is legit!
next day we all went skating in the heights, got kicked off a highschool lawn. boo. super fun!great footage. some people couldnt come bc they had to work but thats ok. and jacob didnt get to skate with us bc he was off to atlanta with trav. next time, next video guys.

I hope that i get to do more projects with serial box and hopefully they will let me intern with them so i learn their mad editing skillz. trey, ryan, and micah thank you so much. y'all filmed & mashed this up just as i imagined it!
I hope you enjoy this video. please let me know what you think. if you have any questions just ask:)

***for 2 extra entries on giveaway blog or tweet about this video:)****
we would love it if you could vote for our video. im not sure how the contest works?
VOTE HERE PLEASE. I am young music video.
you have to click on "join group"
which means sign up for a youtube account if you dont already have one
then click on the "discussion" button under the video
to the right of "info"
then a link pops up that says" love it" or "hate it"


i love rainy days.

today is a cold rainy day. perfect for staying in, listening to records, working on projects, watching movies, playing with nephew, or running errands bc not many people are out driving around.
heres how my day has gone so far...
-woke up and made coffee
- looked at the wonderful Bleubird Vintage blog for round 2 show and tell post. i was submission number 30 out of 46 ! yay james! get on with your bad self! check it out!
-bank, target, abbco, michaels
-MICHAELS ALBUM FRAMES ARE ONLY $5.99 TODAY. I stocked up! sale ends today.
-play with nephew:)

-eat soliz breakfast tacos yummy.
-listed the orange shaped coffee mug in my bueno bueno etsy shop
now i have to:
 pick more photos to enlarge
-clean the room so jacob comes home and feels relaxed. (its messy since he has been gone)
-got a call from jacob for a prayer request. please say some prayers bc his drive home is kinda scary...its been pouring down rain the whole time and he spilled his drink all over his crotch. oh no!

(this was him leaving earlier in the week. i  miss him mucho mucho. i love when he goes on trips because its such a good feeling when he comes back. butterflies!!)
- list more goods on etsy
- book more clients for tomorrow and next sunday for haiti.
Q. What are you doing this weekend?
  All money made on haircuts tomorrow go to Haiti!

Are you helping in anyway? who are you donating to? I'd love to know all about it. I love that so many people have big hearts in the world and are coming together to help out in this tragedy.

here are a couple more photos from the campfire sesh monday night.
can't wait to show y'all the video!

sister love

my lovely family. couldn't have asked for a better group.

taylor lee of finnegan, and the literary greats. he makes beautiful music.

keep an eye out for mr. fred winkler in the movies and on t.v.

my beautiful little sisters.

i will always be a kid.

baby come home.

hello to my new blog followers!!!