do you leave the salon feeling like this?

Oh Aubs! he told me to cut it so i did. (we were kidding around in this photo) we even made a giant hairball after this! you may have seen this guy before over at bleubird. thats right, he is mr photographer man.
 no but seriously have you ever left the salon in tears? not satisfied? furious. did your stylist not listen to you at all? i really want to hear your horror stories.

1. what do you expect from your stylist?
2. what do you like best about the salon experience?
3. do you love or hate round brushing?
4. do you love your stylist? 
5. what do you like to listen to in the salon?

this is how you should leave the salon everytime! feeling great, fresh, and new!
this photo makes me miss my dani.