365 photo challenge

leatherette, copper, and muse/u2 concert

sorry ive slacked off on the blogging lately, ive been busy at the sunchild, and busy with my online craft class at redvelvetart.com
my first two photos are tues and im wearing my new chrisrann neck peice! im in love with it:)thanks Rannie for making beautiful jewelry. i already asked her to make me another wrist peice:) if you want to make an order contact her here.
they are only available at Shotwell in San Fransisco right now or by mail order.

the third and fourth photo are wednesday night at the u2 and muse concert! wow i cant even tell you how amazing it was. BLOWN AWAY! my dad loved muse! duh. and of course U2 rocked the reliant! 
im just starting my day at 11:28 am bc i was up all night/morning singing at a rock show.
im in a rock band called the beatles. have you heard of them? hahahaha! 

gotta run im making new hair peices for the sunchild:) then off to cutting some mops!

white flowers, no showers, and faux fur

my saturday was lovely. a cool front came in, looked like it might rain but didn't. i went on location to do wedding hair for 4 people including the beautiful bride. i was lucky bc this family was so freaking awesome, best humor, and super laid back all day! april had the spunkiest grandparents id ever met.
one minor set back was that i forgot my outfit for the wedding so i had to call jacob to bring it to me...ooops, not a quick drive either(at least an hour drive one way) 
jacob had a show that night so he had to rush over my outfit, meet his mom, the she brought it to me...lifesavers!

pics 1-3 are her flower arrangements (beautiful)
pic 4 is my outfit and pic of the day (sat) strapless play suit, faux fur vest.

being at that wedding really made me want to get into the wedding business even more now..not just the wedding hair industry, but the decor part. ive got quite a colection.

one of the prettiest weddings ive been to, and ive been to a lot! great live music too!


forget the toys, give him a box and calculator

mondays photo: hanging my DIY latern made in april...its about time!
tuesdays photo: omg! i played with my nephew all day and tried to do projects but he wore me out! mama's i dont know how you do it! my craft room looks like a disaster bc im going through every little thing trying to organize it. i had all these pens that ran out of ink and i put them aside until i could think what to do with them...and then we had an idea...start a pen wall! ill post a pic later.

this lil booger has more toys than a toy store and all he wanted to do was play in my room with calculators and jacob.