
flowers, feathers, and fringe

hello and good mornining peeps! today jacob took some photo's of me outside around 8:30 am and ummmm it was pretty horrible. it's like 150 degrees outside! i was sweating, the lens fogged up, we had just drank our HOT cup of jo...UGH. but it had to be done because i wanted to show you one of my favorite thrifted items from my monday treasure hunt. we did not find new/old furniture for the salon but i did find a lot of other OMG goodies. like....these dingo fringe boots. AHHHHHHHHH! i love them!  jacob and i were fixing to walk out of the store when something caught my eye. i saw white fringe underneath some ugly hiking boots so i ran over (while jacob is rolling his eyes) and discovered there wasn't just 1 pair of dingo fringe boots, there were 2 pairs of dingo fringe boots (a white pair and a tan pair)!!!! SCORE OF THE DAY!!! 
flowers, feathers, and fringe
me: jacob im starting to sweat
jacob: go grab a towel then.
me: just hurry..thank you baby.
its hot outside
me: i can't do this anymore
jacob: (laughing)
put that hair up!
me: my hair is too hot
jacob: put it up then, i love your hair when it's in a ponytail.
me: NO! why does it feel like we are in a sauna?
jacob: because we are.
stay tuned bc we will be announcing the giveaway winner sometime today/tonight.

oh and im now on look book thanks virgin for the invite:)

our new outdoor hobby.

when we aren't at the salon or at a show our newest thing is gardening. its perfect, we get to be outside, hang out, have a new shared hobby, and we get to watch our plants grow and bloom. im not really good with gardening but my mom is so she can come over and give me pointers, and jacob is good with everything so i guess this is all a learning process for me.

remember these cans? they were from my project last year.
click here.

even ryder (our nephew) loves helping with yard work, we have to change his clothes a few times a day but thats ok!

he loves helping out so much i love the face he makes when he knows he has done something good. a proud look. and you know we are right there going overboard with the "high five" "good boy!"
awe ryder loves his daddy(my lil brother) so much!
i iwll post my indoor flowers next week:)
mostly cacti but i got creative with their homes:)

any tips on a successful garden?
im really bad at watering. i either over water or forget. 

white flowers, no showers, and faux fur

my saturday was lovely. a cool front came in, looked like it might rain but didn't. i went on location to do wedding hair for 4 people including the beautiful bride. i was lucky bc this family was so freaking awesome, best humor, and super laid back all day! april had the spunkiest grandparents id ever met.
one minor set back was that i forgot my outfit for the wedding so i had to call jacob to bring it to me...ooops, not a quick drive either(at least an hour drive one way) 
jacob had a show that night so he had to rush over my outfit, meet his mom, the she brought it to me...lifesavers!

pics 1-3 are her flower arrangements (beautiful)
pic 4 is my outfit and pic of the day (sat) strapless play suit, faux fur vest.

being at that wedding really made me want to get into the wedding business even more now..not just the wedding hair industry, but the decor part. ive got quite a colection.

one of the prettiest weddings ive been to, and ive been to a lot! great live music too!
