






Hat /// Forever 21
Dress /// Roxy
Shoes /// Vans  
Vans I want
Wrist Bling /// Chrisrann + Vintage

Shades /// Lulu's
Dress /// Marshalls
Boots /// Dolce Vita (via Nordstrom Rack)
Wrist Bling /// Vintage + Chrisrann
Necklace /// Bueno
Ring /// Bueno

B/ Well, the tone of this is ticked off! I lost 2 days worth of editing a really awesome video (Kelly's radical birthday extravaganza). Goodbye imovie it's time I start my life with final cut pro. Ugh it was so good too! DAMN YOU iMOVIE!! Other than that I am really pumped because I will be in California in the next couple of days! So excited to spend some QT with good friends and go surfing. Until then I will be working like a crazy lady at the salon.

K/ This weekend was gold. I was finally able to get a good mix of work, freelance, home, and 'me time' in. Oh and I had a killer dream about the end of the world. Friday, I cleaned like a champ and hosted some family at my new house in my new living room for the first time. I was a little nervous about keeping the music, drinks, conversation, and preparing food going all at once, but I think I ruled it. After a few hours, my Aunt, Mama and cousin wanted to help me move a few things around in my unfinished rooms to create a better flow. I think once I finish painting, it's going to be darn difficult to get me to leave that place. It's becoming more than I could of ever imagined. I'm so thankful for all the support and help I've received with this huge project. Zeyk and I could not do it alone. Speaking of Zeyk, the king will be loosing his jewels tomorrow. Poor guy. Get ready for the cone of shame.

I spent Saturday with my Stash family at Black Swan Studio in Houston learning how to screen print. It was a lot of fun, but we all left with a HUGE appreciation for the teams out there that do that for a living. The day ended with Indian food and a little design work.

Sunday was a lot of everything. Designing in the morning, playing with Zeyk, blogging, emails, Bueno, lipstick shopping with Brandi and Mama G, chopping my mop (can't wait to show you/check IG in the afternoon) and seeing Granny G, and more designing. I dream of the weekend I have a hammock and the weather is mid 70s and I can just spend an afternoon rockin and reading. Will this ever happen? haha. A girl can dream.